
Vitamin D Linked to _____ Rates of Tooth Decay
In a recent study __ was found that vitamin _ is associated with 50 _______ reduction in the incidence __ tooth decay. "My main ____ was to summarize the ________ trial database
Gum Disease Found to ______ Infection in Animal
The number of viral ________ in moderate gum disease __ an animal model exposed __ an AIDS- like virus ____ high in number, causing _________ and greater inflammation
Soft Drinks Can Cause _____ Decay
Consumption of sugary beverages, ____________ soft drinks and sports ______, could be hard on ____ teeth and cause dental _____, researchers say. "There is _______ scrutiny of sweet drinks
Children Inherit Fear of ___ Dentist From Parent
A new study has ________ that parents pass on ___ fear of visiting the _______ to children.
The study confirms the _________ transmission of dentist fear _____ family members
Link Between Smoking and _____ Loss
Postmenopausal women who smoke ___ at an increased risk __ losing their teeth, says ______ study. The study involved 1,106 women who participated in ___ Buffalo OsteoPerio Study
25-year-old Wears Dentures Due __ Soft-drink
William Kennewell, 25, from _________ enjoyed drinking cola more ____ water. Courtesy this habit, __ the place of sparkling _____ permanent teeth, what he ___ is a full set __ dentures.
Brushing Teeth Regularly Could _____ Dementia Risk
habits you practise, it ___ be that your oral ______ habits influence whether or ___ you get dementia, the _____ Mail quoted Annlia Paganini-Hill, ___ study's lead author, as ______.
Color of Your Teeth ___ Reveal Your Age
The color of your _____ may be revealing a ______ more than your oral _______ habits after a new _____ published in the journal ____ ONE revealed that teeth _____ can be used to ______ a person's age