
Gummy Smile
When you smile, do ___ feel appearance of your _____ teeth is overshadowed by _________ gum tissue? Are you __ the opinion that your _____ teeth appear too short ________ to the amount of ________ tissue displayed when you _____? If you answered "yes" __ either of those questions, ___ may have a condition ____ is commonly called a "_____ smile" or excessive gingival _______.
Gummy smile can have _ negative effect on the _________ of your smile.
It is for ____ reason that many people ____ a gummy smile or _________ gingival display feel their _____ to be unattractive, oftentimes _______ reluctant to smile at ___.
The good news __ that a gummy smile ___ be corrected through various _________ options - just call __.
