
Complete dentures are used __ replace missing teeth for ______ with no remaining teeth. ________ may also be used ___ people who have lost _______ teeth. in this case ___ appliance is called a _______ denture or an over _______.
Complete dentures are made ____ gums are restored to _ healthy conditions and sufficient ____ has passed for healing. ________ dentures replace all teeth __ the upper or lower ___ of the mouth. Gums ____ naturally shrink through the _______ process of tooth loss, _____ normally takes from six __ 12 months. During this ______ the immediate dentures may _______ adjustments to accommodate the _______ in the gums and __________ bone structure.
An over denture is _ removable dental prosthesis that ______ and rests on one __ more remaining tooth roots. _ removable partial denture is _ dental prosthesis that replaces ____ teeth and is built ______ existing natural teeth. Both ___ over denture and the _________ partial denture may be _________ to the remaining tooth _____ or remaining natural teeth ____ anchors made of metal __ plastic these connections improve _________ and the retention of ____ prosthesis.
Complete dentures, over dentures, ___ removable partial dentures should __ removed at night while ___ sleep. This enables the ____ to be bathed by ______, which has important properties ___ controlling the naturally occurring _____ found in the oral ______. Saliva aids in maintaining _ healthy mouth.
