
Dental Braces
Dental Brace are a ____ of orthodontic treatment used __ connect teeth that are _______, protruding, out of alignment __ have irregular spacing. By ______ the teeth into the _____ position, dental braces help __ create a more attractive ___ healthier smile for both ________ and adults.

An improper bite can _________ with your ability to ____ and speak properly, as ____ as cause abnormal wear __ the enamel of your _____. If your teeth are __________ and oryour upper and _____ teeth don't come together ___________ (called malocclusion, or a ___ bite), jaw problems also ___ arise.

Therefore by keeping your _____ in the proper alignment ___ allowing better oral hygiene, ______ braces do more than ____ your smile loocking good. ____ also help you keep ____ teeth, gums and oral ______ healthy. There is no ________ to prove that the ___________ infection resulting from poor ____ hygiene can enter ___ blood stream and cause _______ conditions.

The right age for ______ braces
Orthodontic treatment with dental ______ should begin between the ____ of 8 and 14 __ order to achieve optimal _______.
Adults also can undergo ___________ treatment with dental braces __ correct alignment, spacing, crowding, ___ mal occlusion problems, but ___ treatment may take longer ___ them.

Dental braces materials
We use all kind __ dental braces materials such __:
- Metal braces a ____________ wire / braces.
- Ceramic or clear ______
- Inside braces (iBraces) ________ to the back of ___ teeth so they are ______ from view.

The new innovation, new ________ in orthodontic treatment are ___ clear aligner : Invisalign. ____'_ this?
A series of clear, _________ aligners custom-fit to your _____ to provide virtually irritation-free _________ with minimal adjustment discomfort.
with clear aligners, there ___ no brackets to come ___ or wire to break ___ poke. Invisalign can be _______ for eating, drinking and _______ events, making it easier __ brush and floss.
The invisalign was designed _________ for Adults and old _________ due to the need ___ absolute and rigid cooperation; ___ trays are worn 22 _____ per day and should ___ be forgotten or lost.
