
Gum Disease
Gum disease also known __ periodontal disease and periodontitis __ an inflammatory condition affecting ___ tissues surrounding a tooth, ___ is the leading cause __ tooth loss.
Gingivitis is a _________ infection of the tissues __ the mouth and potential _________ of gum disease.
Once gum disease sets __, the toxins produced by ___ bacteria damage the teeth __________ tissue and bone, effectively __________ them and fostering tooth ____.

The signs of gum _______:
Here are some common _____ of gum disease you ___ look for:
- Bleeding gums during _____ brushing or otherwise.
- Sensitive, red, swollen ____.
- Bad breath.
- Teeth that are _____ or appear to have _______.

Cause of Gum disease:
There are a number __ causes of gum disease ____ of which can be _________ and controlled. The causes __ gum disease include:
- Improper dental hygiene.
- Organic changes in ___ mouth (metabolism and hormone ______,__:______ of pregnancy).
- Medical conditions.
- Diabetes.
- Kidney disease.
- stroke.
- Heart attack.
- Saliva flow inhibitors.
- Poor functional habits _____ grinding or clenching.
