
Crowns and Bridges
Dental crowns, also known __ "caps" preserve the functionality __ damaged teeth.
A dental crown may __ used to protect a _______ tooth, restore functionality of _ tooth with excessive decay __ replace a pre-existing crown.
If tooth decay __ damage is so extensive ____ veneers, direct composite bonding __ other conservative treatments aren't ______ treatment options or if ___ have undergone root canal _______-____ dentist will consult with ___ about dental crowns.

Crown Materials:
1-Porcelain fused to metal
2-All-ceramic (all-porcelain)

The material selected is __________ by the clinical demands __ hand, esthetic demands, strength ____________, material durability and restorative _____ available.
Avoid chewing hard foods, ___ or other hard objects, _____ this could damage your _____. It also is important __ avoid biting your fingernails ___ grinding your teeth, which _____ significantly shorten the life-span __ your dental crown. If ___ habitually clench or grind ____ teeth, your dentist may _________ wearing a night-time mouth _____ to help protect your ______ while sleeping.
Dental crowns may last _______ 10 and 15 years __ longer, though results vary _________ upon your unique considerations.
