
Teeth whitening using ZOOM
Zoom is a bleaching _______ widely used arround the _____ to lighten discoloration of ______ and dentin. Tooth discoloration ___ result from drinking coffee, ___, cola, and red wine __ from smoking, the aging _______ also can stain and ______ your teeth.
We use Zoom advanced _____ chairside lamp-said to accelerate ___ bleaching process, to activate ___ 25% hydrogen peroxide whitening. __ the hydrogen peroxide is ______ down, oxygen enters the ______ and dentin to bleach ___ stained substances, leaving the _________ of the tooth unchanged.
The complete procedure takes ____ than an hour.
During this time ___ can relax, watch TV __ listen to music.
Immediately afterwards, a ___________-________ fluoride paste-gel is applied __ the teeth.
you will be given _ zoom home-use touch-up kit ____ includes custom-fitted whitening trays.
Zoom whitening is not ___________ for children under 13 _____ of age, or for ________ or lactating women. If ___ need a bright smile ___�_ hesitate to call us. __ are your address.
